Configuring Airwall Edge Service settings

Edit Airwall Edge Service settings on Airwalls page.

  1. In the Conductor, go to Airwalls.
  2. Click the Airwall you want to edit.
    Figure 1. Airwall settings
  3. On the Airwall page, you can view general Airwall information, including IPs, model, and overlay network membership. You can also edit:
    • Network communication: Toggle Airwall network communication on or off.
    • Location: Add an Airwall location.
    • Description: Add an Airwall description.
    • Bypass: Select a bypass option.
  4. Optional: Click Advanced settings to edit:
    • Preferred cipher suite: Select your preferred cipher suite.
    • Use compression: Switch compression on or off.
    • Inactive tunnel timeout: Choose a time in seconds after which inactive tunnels time out.
    • Conductor session renew: Choose a time in seconds after which your Conductor session renews.
    • Auto-connect: If enabled, the Airwall gateway builds secure tunnels to peer Airwalls even if no device traffic exists. You can use this feature for Airwall gateways behind a NAT.
    • Relay probes: If enabled, the Airwall gateway periodically sends prove packets to all of its relays and uses the closest relay when initiating secure tunnels. This reduces the amount of network traffic used to build new tunnels and allows auto-connect to be turned off.
    • Keep alive: If enabled, the Airwall sends keep-alive packets to peer Airwalls to keep the tunnel from xpiring if no device traffic is available.
    • Path MTU discovery: The Airwall adjusts packet sizes if intermediate routers support only limited MTU (maximum transmission unit) settings.
    • Overlay path MTU: Maximum transmission unit sent through overlay. Note: must be between 1280 and 9022 bytes.
    • Bandwith for file transfer: Bandwidth limit for large file downloads such as firmware updates.