Airwalls Query Options

Query options for the Airwalls page if you select to Search by expression with the Conductor Query Language. Options include fields to search in and states that an Airwall Edge Service can be in.

Query option Searches in this field Example
name Name
uid UID of the Airwall Edge Service
hit Generated HIP HIT for the Airwall Edge Service
version Firmware version
model Airwall Edge Service model
tags Tags (limited to tags that you have permission to see).
description Description
location Location
notes Notes
deviceCount The number of devices the Airwall Edge Service has
networkCount The number of overlay networks that the Airwall Edge Service is in
underlayIP The primary published underlay IP address for an Airwall
underlayIPs The full list of published underlay IP addresses for the Airwall
apiUUID UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) of an API call

Query state Description Example
canEdit Airwall Edge Service is one you have permissions to edit.
hasDiscoveredDevices Airwall Edge Service has discovered devices through passive device discovery
hasError Airwall Edge Service is reporting one or more errors

Finds all Airwalls reporting an error.

Note: Any Airwalls with an error also have a notification bell with the number of errors on it.
hasFirmwareUpdate Airwall Edge Service has a firmware update available on the Conductor
hasHotfix Airwall Edge Service has a hotfix update available on the Conductor
hasRemoteSession Airwall Edge Service currently has an active remote session
isAgent Airwall Edge Service is an Airwall Agent or Server
isBypassGateway Airwall Gateway is set to act as a bypass gateway
isCloud Airwall Edge Service is a cloud Airwall Gateway
isDisabled Airwall Edge Service is disabled
isDisconnected Airwall Edge Service is in disconnected mode
isGateway Airwall Edge Service is an Airwall Gateway
isHaPrimary Airwall Edge Service is a high-availability primary (active)
isHaSecondary Airwall Edge Service is a high-availability secondary (standby)
isManaged Airwall Edge Service is managed
isOffline Airwall Edge Service is Offline
isOnline Airwall Edge Service is Online
isRelay Airwall Edge Service is set up as an Airwall Relay
isRevoked Airwall Edge Service is revoked
isUnmanaged Airwall Edge Service is unmanaged
isUnsupportedVersion Airwall Edge Service is on a version not supported by your current Conductor
isPortMirrorSource Airwall Edge Service is a port mirror source
isPortMirrorDestination Airwall Edge Service is a port mirror destination
Airwall Edge Service has a wifi modem
hasCell Airwall Edge Service has a cellular modem
connectedVia Airwall Edge Service is connected through a specified URI

connectedVia ~ ""

Returns Airwall Edge Service connected through

Note: You can use connectedVia to filter WSS connections. See Creating an AirProxy WebSocket relay certificate.

connectedVia ~ "wss"

Returns Airwall Edge Service connected through WSS.