Replace a virtual Conductor with a fresh VM

Sometimes you may need to replace your virtual Conductor with a fresh VM.

This is normally only necessary if the Conductor has been updated through many different versions of our software, or if something happens to the VM that prevents the OS from running correctly.

In the worst case, you would need to restore from a DB backup. You should be doing DB backups and Conductor Support Bundles regularly.

If you need to replace your virtual Conductor, please create a support ticket and provide a DB Backup and/or a Support Bundle, if you have not already. Both are best, but Tempered Customer Success can work with one or the other if needed.

Before you begin

From Tempered Customer Success, you need:

  • An open virtualization appliance (OVA) file
  • A replacement license voucher for your replacement Conductor.
  • Customer Success needs to un-bind your voucher in the license system so that your replacement voucher is valid