Editing people who can access an overlay network

Overlay networks can only be modified by users who are editors of that network. After creating an overlay network, you may want to add additional editors, viewers, or users to your overlay network or edit their roles.

To edit members of an overlay network:

  1. Go to Overlays and select the overlay network.
  2. In People click Update.
  3. The Add People dialog displays the list of users. Select a user or users and then click the appropriate column in the list to set permission levels:
    • Viewer: viewers can view and monitor the overlay network.
    • User: in addition to viewer rights, users add and remove device groups and change policy.
    • Editor: in addition to user rights, editors can modify the overlay network configuration and edit any Airwalls in the overlay network.
  4. When finished, click Close.
    Note: In v4.0.x and later, use the History tab to view the changes people make to an overlay.
    Figure 1. Overlay history tab